AECT/SICET 2019 Convention

The 14th AECT/SICET Annual International Convention

Inspired Professional Learning. Inspired Learning Professionals

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
October 21 – October 24, 2019 Online Program:
SICET Highlight 

The Society of International Chinese in Educational Technology (SICET) is a non-political, non-profit academic organization. The organization’s goal is to aggregate international Chinese scholars and experts in the field of educational technology to encourage academic cooperation and support among members. The mission of SICET is to establish and strengthen academic international connections, exchanges, research, and studies in educational technology for teaching and learning, as well as to promote the application of educational technology in Chinese education. We welcome you to visit our website at and to know about us.

As one of AECT affiliates, SICET will continue to offer a unique and exciting program at our annual convention this year.  Here are some highlights.

SICET Keynote

Transforming teaching and learning through design, technology, and the science of learning.
Wed, Oct 23, 1:00 to 1:50 pm, Convention Center, Conference Rm 7

Dr. Kui Xie is the Cyphert Distinguished Professor and chair of the Learning Technologies program in the Department of Educational Studies at The Ohio State University. He also is the director of The Research Laboratory for Digital Learning at OSU. He earned his Ph.D. in Instructional Psychology and Technology from the University of Oklahoma. Xie is a member of the editorial board of Contemporary Educational Psychology. He served as president for American Educational Research Association Special Interest Group Design and Technology, and section chair for AERA Division C Section 3.A. Learning Environments. In 2015, Xie was named the Ted and Lois Cyphert Distinguished Professor. In 2017, Xie received the EHE Distinguished Research Award from The Ohio State University. He also received a Chang Jiang Scholar Award from the Chinese Ministry of Education.

SICET Dinner

Wed, Oct 23, 6:00 to 8:00 pm, Convention Center, Silk Road Asian Bistro

SICET Membership Meeting

Wed, Oct 23, 3:00 to 3:50 pm, Convention Center, Conference Rm 7

SICET Panel Sessions

  • Preparation for a Cross-cultural IDT Career

Tue, Oct 22, 8:00 to 8:50 am, Convention Center, Conference Rm 7

Juhong Christie Liu, James Madison University; Hong Zhan, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Hengtao Tang, University of South Carolina; Barbara Lockee, Virginia Tech; Michael M Grant, University of South Carolina; Chih Hsiung Tu, Northen Arizona University; Miriam Bender Larson, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

  • Meet the Editors

Tue, Oct 22, 1:00 to 1:50 pm, Convention Center, Conference Rm 7

Leping Liu, University of Nevada, Reno; Lin Lin, University of North Texas; Xibin Han, Tsinghua University.

SICET Inspire! Sessions

  • What They Didn’t Teach You in Graduate School

Wed, Oct 23, 9:00 to 9:50 am, Convention Center, Conference Rm 7

Zui Cheng, Purdue University; Miaoting Cheng, The University of Hong Kong; Huanhuan Wang, Purdue University; Hengtao Tang, University of South Carolina; Chunli Wang, East China Normal University; Eric Stauffer, James Madison University; Logan Arrington, University of West Georgia.

  • Inspiring to Write and Publish High-Quality Research: Issues, Tips, Cautions and Technology Tools

Wed, Oct 23, 4:00 to 4:50pm, Convention Center, Conference Rm 7

Leping Liu, University of Nevada, Reno.


We look forward to meeting you in Las Vegas, Nevada!


Co-Chairs: Drs. Hengtao Tang & Hong Zhan,

Member: Miaoting (Cat) Cheng & Zui Cheng

Call for Proposals

Call for Proposal due: February 18th, 11:59 PM (PST), 2019
Proposal Submission System:

SICET ( invites you to submit a proposal for the 2019 AECT/SICET International Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. The deadline to submit a proposal is February 18th, 11:59 PM (PST), 2019. This year’s convention theme is Inspired Professional Learning. Inspired Learning Professionals. As an important affiliation of AECT, SICET is dedicated to provide you with inspiring convention experiences. In keeping with the conference theme this year, we invite proposals that initiate conversations about how teaching, research, and design inspire the innovations and changes in our field. We look forward to hearing about your work, and we look forward to being inspired by your innovative approaches for teaching, research, and design.

The mission of SICET is to establish and strengthen international academic connections, to encourage dialogues in educational technology research and development, as well as to boost the development of learning, design, and technology field in China. We are especially hoping to receive proposals that feature issues related to comparative research across nations and cultural contexts in instructional technology approaches, innovations, and trends. We also welcome proposals focusing on a specific cultural setting or community, which include but are not limited to cultural influences on teaching and learning, and applications of theories or principles in a specific cultural setting. Traditional proposals that present findings and discuss important instructional technology research and developments are also welcome. To be considered, a complete proposal must be submitted electronically including 1) Presentation title; 2) Description of the session (Maximum of 75 words); 3) An Anonymous Abstract (750-1,000 words); 4) List of actual presenters and contributors to your presentation; in one of the following session types (more details regarding each session type can be found in “Type of Sessions”).

  • Concurrent Session
  • Panel Session
  • Inspire! Session
  • Poster Session
  • Roundtable Session

To present at AECT/SICET, an active SICET membership is required. Active SICET members are qualified for AECT dual membership, which allows SICET members to join AECT membership at a 50% rate. The cost for SICET/AECT dual membership is lower than the sole AECT regular membership.

Another major convention of SICET, EITT 2019, will be hosted by the University of Southern Mississippi in Biloxi, Mississippi on October 27 – 31 right after the AECT Convention. For members who also consider submitting a proposal for our EITT, we gently remind you of avoiding self-plagiarism suspicion. SICET will only accept proposals and proceedings less than 25% overlapping rate with published journal articles, conference proceedings, and any other formats of publications.

SICET members are also invited to serve as reviewers for the conference proposals. Our conference planning team will lead and facilitate the review process. If you are interested in reviewing proposals for us, please leave your name and contact information at

Important Dates & Submission Information:

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please feel free to contact the AECT/SICET conference planning team:

Co-Chairs: Drs. Hengtao Tang & Hong Zhan,

Member: Miaoting (Cat) Cheng & Zui Cheng

Session Format

Concurrent Sessions

These 25-minute sessions are primarily stand-up presentations. The focus of these sessions is on sharing information, such as best practices and research results. When proposing such a session, make sure to describe how you will engage with, and encourage interaction with your audience. Reading slides to your audience is not acceptable. In addition, planners will “bundle” concurrent presentations with another of related content to form one 50-minute session.

Poster Sessions

Posters are designed to showcase a project, program, process, activity, or similar experience in an informal setting. Posters may be projects that are completed, in progress, or in their beginning stages. A small table is provided to support a display board, laptop, and handouts. Feedback and insights of colleagues on these innovative developments are especially encouraged. Posters are scheduled simultaneously with Roundtables in multiple large rooms. Poster size is 48” x 36” horizontal/landscape layout. Presenters will design and bring their own posters to be attached to tri-fold panels provided by AECT.

Roundtable Sessions

Roundtables are designed for small group discussion of specialized topics, with the presenter leading the discussion. This participatory format allows for a highly interactive presentation lasting 50 minutes. Typically, many roundtable discussions happen concurrently in a large open room. You will have your own table with eight chairs during the session. A moderator will divide the time into two 25-minute sessions, so participants can visit multiple tables.

Inspire! Sessions

Inspire! sessions focus on professional development opportunities for our members and convention attendees. These sessions should encourage professional growth by obtaining new knowledge, skills, or strategies. These sessions will last 50-minutes, and they should include high engagement between presenter(s) and attendees (e.g., hands-on activities, role playing, crowdsourcing, collaborative learning, game-based learning, etc.). Proposals for Inspire! sessions should identify learning outcomes or goals for attendees and describe how presenters will engage with and encourage interaction with the attendees. The short description should indicate if attendees should bring any equipment, software, or materials with them to the session. There are no fees for attending these sessions.


Panel Sessions

These 4-5-person panels focus on vibrant topics of contemporary concern and professional interest. They are a chance to compare and contrast experts’ disciplinary expertise quickly with an active, participating audience. Submissions require a designated chair to organize and facilitate the vibrant interchange between the panel and the audience, for example. Abstracts should identify panel members and expertise each member will contribute to the session. This presentation format will be scheduled into a 50-minute time slot; 30-minute presentation time and a minimum of 20 minutes interaction time with the audience.

SICET/AECT 2019 Proposal Submission & Review Guide

Proposal Submission

Submissions are accepted online at (More information about the call for proposal can be found here at

  1. Login with your username and password on the right side of the page (SICET/AECT members: please log in to this site using your “Membership Number” as your username and your “Last Name” as your password. First-time submitters: please click on the “CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT”);
  2. After you logged in, click on “Submit or Edit a Proposal” to submit or edit proposals for the 2019 SICET/AECT conference.
  3. Click on “Submit a New Proposal”, and make sure you select the unit name “SICET (Society of International Chinese in Educational Technology)” to continue.
  4. Select the appropriate submission/presentation type. We welcome concurrent, inspire, poster, and roundtable sessions.
  5. Then enter information about your proposal.
Proposal Review
Please access the reviewer recruiting page ( and enter your information if you are interested to serve as our 2019 AECT/SICET conference proposal reviewers.

Applicants’ qualifications will be reviewed by the conference planning committee. The conference planning committee will lead and facilitate the reviewing process.

Past Conventions

Award Recipients in the Previous Years:

Contact Us

Conference Planning Committee Co-Chairs: Dr. Hengtao Tang & Dr. Hong Zhan

Conference Planning Committee Member: Miaoting (Cat) Cheng & Zui Cheng
