EITT 2024 Convention

Call for Papers
The 13th International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology

Macau, PR China

Date: November 8-10, 2024

The Society of International Chinese in Educational Technology (SICET) will organize its 13th International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT2024) to provide a forum for researchers in technology and education areas to publish new research findings and exchange insights and experiences on related topics.

The conference will be held in Macau PR.China on November 1-3, 2024. You are invited to present at EITT 2024 to share your expertise and innovative practices with your peers, professional practitioners, and researchers from various disciplines around the world.

The first twelve EITT conferences have been successfully held since 2012, with EITT2012 in Beijing; EITT2013 in Williamsburg, Virginia, USA; EITT2014 in Brisbane, Australia; EITT2015 in Wuhan, China; and EITT2016 Tainan; EITT2017 in Osaka, Japan; EITT2018 in Auckland, New Zealand; EITT2019 in Biloxi, MS, USA; EITT2020, EITT2021, and EITT2022 virtually due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, and EITT2023 in Fujian , PR. China.

Founded in 2003, the Society of International Chinese in Educational Technology (SICET) is a nonpolitical, non-profit academic organization. The mission of the SICET is to establish and strengthen international academic connections, exchanges, research, and scholarship among members in educational technology; advocate the application of technology in educational settings; and promote international collaboration of members and other scholars in the field.

EITT2024 Conference Theme:

Innovation and Development of Education in the AI Era

Submission Link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eitt2024


Topics for submission include, but are not limited to:

  1. Immersive learning with VR/AR /MR
  2. Big data and learning analytics
  3. AI in learning
  4. Microlearning
  5. Mobile/Ubiquitous learning
  6. Gamification innovation
  7. Learning engagement in online learning community
  8. Video-assisted learning in distance learning conditions
  9. Assessment and research
  10. Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary learning or teaching
  11. STEM/STEAM education
  12. Innovation of language teaching in digital learning environment
  13. Other topics related to technology integration into instructional design, curriculum, and evaluation

Important Dates:

– Paper Submission: June 30, 2024 July 31, 2024

– Author Notification: July 31, 2024 August 31, 2024

– Registration Due: September 15, 2024 (only for authors submitting papers to the conference; Please note, only papers with authors who have registered for attending the conference will be published in the EITT2024 proceedings. Registration fee is US$480 for one of the paper’s participants, The Registration fee is US$180 for the other participant)

– Conference date: November 8-10, 2024


Conference Organization and Committees:

 Sponsored by:

          Society of International Chinese in Educational Technology (SICET), http://www.sicet.org

 Hosted by:

       Hubei Key Laboratory of Digital Education, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, PR.China

       Visual Information Processing Laboratory, University of Macau, Macau, PR.China


Conference Chair

Dr. Qingtang Liu, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, PR. China

Dr. Xiaojun Chen, St. John’s University, New York, USA


Technology Support Committee Chairs

Dr. Jui-Long (Andy) Hung, Professor, Boise State University

Dr. Hong Zhan, Professor, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Dr. Jining Han, Assistant Professor, Southwest University, China


Conference Financial Chairs

Dr. Hong Zhan, Professor, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Dr. Yingxiao Qian, Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina


Technical Program Committee

Program Committee Chair

Dr. Jing Lei, Syracuse University, USA

Dr. Liming Zhang, University of Macau

Dr. Yantao Wei, Central China Normal University

Committee Members:

Dr. Lin Zhong, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Dr. Yinxiao Qian, Arizona State University

Dr. Hong Zhan, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Dr. Dongqing Wang, South China Normal University

Dr. Jui-Long (Andy) Hung, Boise State University

Dr. Shen Ba, The University of Hong Kong

Dr. Hsiu-Jen Cheng, National Kaohsiung Normal University

Dr. Jining Han, Southwest University

Dr. Jing Ma, Zhengzhou University

Dr. Grace Yue Qi, Massey University

Dr. Yi Sun, Kobe Institute of Computing

Dr. Ping Wang, Great Basin College

Dr. Fati Wu, Beijing Normal University

Dr. Linjing Wu, Central China Normal University

Dr. Qingzhi Zhang, Falmouth University

Dr. Li Cheng, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Dr. Tian Luo, Old Dominion University

Dr. Ye Chen, University of West Georgia

Dr. Tianxiao Yang, Texas Tech University

Dr. Yuqin Yang, Central China Normal University

Dr. Si Zhang, Central China Normal University

Dr. Xiuhan Li, Central China Normal University

Submission of Papers:

A paper should be prepared according to the proceedings template, which can be obtained at https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html

It must be 4-6 pages in length, including an abstract, references, and tables/figures. Submissions should represent original and substantive research results. We will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published (or accepted for publication) in another conference or journal. Authors should submit their manuscripts in PDF format to EITT2024 via the EasyChair submission system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eitt2024). Each paper submitted to EITT2024 will be double-blind reviewed based on its originality, significance, technical soundness, and quality of writing.


Publication Information:

The proceedings of EITT2024 will collect selected papers through a standard peer-review process. The organizer of the conference will collaborate with Conference Publishing Services (CPS) to publish the EITT2024 proceedings. (CPS website: Conference Publishing Services | IEEE Computer Society)

  • CPS will provide full communication and assistance to authors and organizer throughout the publication process;
  • All accepted papers (up to six pages in the Proceedings format) of the conference proceedings will be submitted to Xplore and, upon acceptance, submitted for indexing in EI (Compendex).
  • Only papers that are presented by an author at the conference will be submitted for inclusion in the above digital libraries.



Dr. Yantao Wei

Hubei Key Laboratory of Digital Education(Central China Normal University),Wuhan, PR.China

Email: yantaowei@mail.ccnu.edu.cn          Mobile Phone: +86-18086078860 (China)

Dr. Lingjing Wu

Faculty of Artificial Intelligent in Education, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, PR . China

Email:wlj_sz@126.com                  Mobile Phone: +86-13164114003 (China)

Meeting Archives

EITT 2023 – Fujian, CHINA

EITT 2022 – Virtually

EITT 2021 – Chongqing, CHINA

EITT 2020 – Virtually

EITT 2019 – Biloxi, USA

EITT 2018 – Okland, New Zealand

EITT 2017 – Osaka, Japan

EITT 2016 – Tainan

EITT 2015 – Wuhan, China

EITT 2014 – Brisbane, Austrilia

EITT 2013 – Williamsburg, Virginia, USA

EITT 2012 – Beijing, China